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Re: Re: Lost horse at Liberty Run II

Columbus Day weekend must be jinxed. I too had a nasty accident this weekend
and it was only a training ride.
My leg hit a tree limb, and like the Jousters of King Arthur's court I was
my saddle slipped terrified the horse and off he took at the dead run. No
time for thinking. Many hours later, I'm OK, and he's OK too. Just nasty
scrapes and some leg
swelling from the hematoma.
So, on another note, this has never happened to me before. My horses have
always stayed with me. Don't know what happened here. So, anyone have and
good ideas to have the horse stay with you or at least stop without going
off at a dead run.
Marv.... (I'm working on the bounder and I'm not sure we have it yet. Would
it have helped?)

Dolores Arste
eCommerce Technology, Technology Integration
Phone - 518.882.6485
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucie Hancock" <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
<>; <>
Cc: "William Scott Browning" <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<Dave.Sturkie@SHAW.AF.MIL>; "superpat" <>;
<>; <>; "Paul and Bonnie Jones"
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; "Judith Lee Burd"
<>; <>; <>; "Halter
Vince" <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 4:47 PM
Subject: RC: Re: Lost horse at Liberty Run II

> This  morning I announced that my lost horse was found. Trinity is in
> his pasture, happy to be home.
> For those of you who did not attend the Liberty Run II this weekend, I
> fell off my horse. I was knocked unconscious. Were it not for the Grace
> of God and my helmet, I would not be telling this story. The helmet has
> a 3" + crack in the center of the back. I felt the results of impact
> from my tailbone to my head. I am told I was out for about four minutes.
> Thank God for the riders who saw my horse and came back looking for me.
> Hlep came and I am fine now except for a few minutes amnesia. I cannot
> remeber the events just before or just after the fall.
> My horse took off at a dead run, and passed even the leaders on the long
> stretch of fairly straight road that begins the purple loop. I might
> have made it a mile. I don't remember where I fell. I am told that
> Trinity has a lot of potential. He whizzed past everyone so fast theye
> did not have time to block his way. Those that tried to follow him to
> catch him were outdistanced by him. He was gone from sometime after
> six-thirty Saturday morning until late Sunday evening, when some local
> people found him and reported to the local sheriff, who had been alerted
> on Saturday. His saddle, bridle and reins were still attached to him.He
> was tired, and has some scrapes and rubs. He is not lame. He drank and
> ate well last night, and is doing fine at home in his pasture today.
> I learned a lot about the purple loop that I had not noticed before. I
> walked a goodly portion of it  with carrots and apples, calling for him.
> He usually comes when called at home. He was found on the other side of
> US-1. It was a blessing that he was found safely, and wasn't struck by a
> car or truck as he crossed. He doesn't like pavement, so I was surprised
> that he went over the highway. Something must have frightened him
> across.
> He acted glad to see us, and seemed pleased to get into the trailer, a
> familiar place, after his great adventure. He wanted extra pets and rubs
> this morning. He got them.
> I was also able to take the helmet to school and give my high school
> students an illustration of why they should wear protective equipment
> designed for whichever sport they are involved with, whether it be
> riding horses, bicycles, motorcycles, or whichever sport of choice.Some
> of them ride horses, western style, for pleasure. I pray that seeing and
> hearing of what happened to me will show them the need to wear
> protective helmets when they ride.
> I want to thank everyone who helped, eihter rescuing me from my fall, or
> helping me search for Trinity.
> He has the potential to be a good endurance horse. I just have to
> rethink a few things. It would help if I remembered what caused the
> fall. The last thing I remember was thinking "Good, he's going to
> settle..." then I was in Nancy Gooch's car on the way back to base camp.
> I am going to make sure that I have a "buddy/babysitter" with me for a
> few more rides. He did so well at Biltmore that I thought he would be ok
> in Augusta. Obviously he wasn't ready, so...we take more time, do more
> schooling, and have a buddy on the trail for a while longer.
> Lucie Hancock
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