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Re: RC: Our every whim (was: WATER WATER...)

In a message dated 07/25/2000 8:25:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< "You don't have to cater to my every whim and provide me with
 every convenience.  My horse and I don't need water every 5 km,
 hay and bran and carrots at the vet checks, people to hold my
 horse for me if I have to pee, breakfast and lunch and dinner.
 It's not that I don't like and appreciate these things if you
 do provide them; but you don't have to. Provide me with a 
 marked trail and enough information that I can take care of my
 own horse, and my horse and I will do just fine. Water about
 once very 15 miles or so is perfectly adequate out in the desert, 
 just so long as I know where it is." >>

I'd love to have you come to Swanton Pacific on August 12th.  I like your 
attitude.  We do, however, provide some niceties, along with a well-marked 
trail and a trail profile that lets you know what sort of terrain to expect 
at what mileage and where the water is located. Plus gorgeous scenery, 
moderate weather, very little dust, and the easiest ride in the world to crew 
for.  All this and a challenging trail to boot.


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