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Re: RC: Re: Getting Pulled

But if the rider is ill, or maybe injured from a fall, who is going to vet
the horse through?  A stranger?

It's my job to try and figure ways around things (I do network security, so
I'm like a good hacker), and there are ways to beat just about any system.
If you go too overboard trying to create a system that can't be beat, you
end up creating a system that doesn't work very well, or it is too
burdensome to use. You have to accept some compromises - most folks are
honest, and the rest are really hard to pin down no matter what you do.
About the best you can do is set something up that helps keep honest people

At 09:59 PM 4/28/00 -0500, Becky Huffman wrote:
>I think in order to have a "RO", the horse should have to pass the vet exam
>and be cleared to continue.
>Becky Huffman
>Huffman's Arabians ~ The Original Series ~
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <> As in Rider B gets to the VC, decides horse is not
>going to be able to  > complete because horse is lame/exhausted, so Rider B
>takes card to RM and  > says I'm pulling because I have a migraine!  If all
>horses entered were  > subject to a vets exam, similar to a finish exam,
>then the data would be more
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