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Re: RC: Fw: Re: Getting Pulled

In a message dated 4/28/00 11:04:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I'll grant you that what we're talking about is better than no data at all,
 but you really need more to do it right. >>

David, I agree.  See my post about trying to implement a veterinary report 
form back in the mid 80's, and the fact that we are now finally almost up to 
the point that some of us were trying to reach then.  Every step of reporting 
is one step further along the way of getting information.  Unfortunately, 
there are some that seem to want to fight data collection and data sharing 
tooth and nail.  As you stated previously--data with "noise" is better than 
no data at all--and as you stated here, what incomplete data we're getting is 
better than no data at all also.  All we can do is continue to strive to 
collect and publish more data, get folks over the notion that data mean 
guilt, and improve the whole process as much as we can.


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