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Full disclosure on Pulls...

In response to:
Someone had better tell the people who have the data base on Endurance
that there is full disclosure on rides, rider history and horse history.

Russ and I are quite aware of the full disclosure in the on-line data.
Full disclosure was approved by the BOD or we would not have done it.
We did not do it in the ride standings on-line prior to March 00.
When we set up the new database - the information was added for
rides prior to that date.  We(Russ, myself, and Bob Morris) are trying
to get the data available from 1986 to 1996 where the on-line material
starts now.

My understanding was that the info was also to be published in EN and we 
are just earlier in implementing the policy.  I could be wrong on this.

But bottom line is that the BOD did state that the info was to be made

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