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Re: RC: leg wraps

Yup, seen it dozens of times...that's why I urge people to practice 
wrapping after a few lessons from someone who knows how to do them right....


At 04:07 PM 4/27/2000, Rides 2 Far wrote:
> ><<  I wrap, because I've always used the logic of; "What if you do, or
> >what >if you don't."  If you do, and the horse didn't need it, well, it
>sure >won't >hurt.
>Wanna bet? >g< When I was a teenager my best friend had a nice Quarter
>Horse that she barrel raced.  He cut his leg and she decided to put a
>wrap on it...she used ELASTIC, probably had nothing under it.  Nice and
>tight to look neat.  The next day the horse's leg was almost ruined.  The
>vet said the circulation had been cut off too long and he was a lost
>cause.  Her dad ended up alternately soaking the leg in extremely hot
>water for 3 min. and ice water for 3 min.  The circulation came back, the
>horse was saved, but after a big show with lots of running, only that leg
>stocked up.  I've been totally paranoid about wrapping ever since.  I do
>it if necessary, but I am very careful.
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