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On Vertebrae--repost from rec.equestrian 11/98

CMNewell, DVM

From Lady Wentworth, "The Authentic Arabian Horse":

"..we may give some of the more notable results of post-mortems.

                        PURE ARABS

                                Ribs            Lumbar Vertebrae
50 specimens                    17              5
9                               17              6
4                               18              5
1                               18              6
3 Syrian Arabs                  17              6


Touchstone                      19              5
Persimmon                       18              5
St. Simon                       18              5
St. Frusquin                    18              5
Ayrshire                                18              5
Orlando                         18              5
Hermit                          18              6
Blacklock                       18              6
Blink Bonny                     18              6
Polymelus                       17              6
Fickle                          17              6
Eclipse--there were 6 skeletons of Eclipse offered for sale at one
time, and 19 hoofs. The skeleton in the British Museum is of more than
doubtful authenticity and has been reconstructed from fragments and
has now 18 ribs and 6 lumbars. An earlier one photographed by Wilfrid
Blunt had 17 ribs and 5 lumbars.

                COMMON HORSE

3 specimens  19--5.
4 specimens 19--6, and 1 18--5.

Mongolian                       19              5
Prjevakski (feral cross)                18              6
4 modern Barbs all              19              6
Barb from Gibraltar             18              6
Zebra                           18              6
Donkey                          18              5

CMNewell, DVM
Surgeon General of rec.eq Bogbash party
Recipient of the Bogbash anti-Equus favorite vet award
The Chuck of Eq

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