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Horse and rider

  If  I may put in my two cents :-)
   I have to agree on both sides. I don't have the money to spend on lessons for riding either. I do try and get as much in as I can, but most of it comes from Videos and Books myself.
   I have just started taking a sudden interest in Dressage and it is so amazing how your whole view on riding changes after even watching one or two videos! Books are great too but I think hearing and seeing things being taught had a greater impact for me.
  Anyhow, I have to agree with Sue when she says,
we're simply talking about the
fact that how you position and use your body directly affects how the horse
responds and utilizes *his* body.  It's just plain (as my mentor and trainer
used to call his teachings) GOOD RIDING!  You can do this in any variety of
saddles (providing they don't throw you out of balance), in any kind of
clothing, and with whatever tack or breed you want.

  Right you are! I am not saying I know it all, and to me honest I have just started learning the concepts of Dressage, but Dressage should be taught in every kind of basic riding. Because it's not just about going out and trying to prove your the best rider, or that you have the best or most expensive horse. It's about becoming one with your horse. Knowing how to feel your horse and how your body can utilize his body and effect your riding. In great ways or in bad ways.
   To a certain degree, you as distance riders , use dressage in your training. Knowing it or not, you have to be able to read your horse, know your horse. That right there is the basic riding of Dressage isn't it?
  I know what you mean that there are people out there that just get on their horse and go, and they don't want to take any tips and/or advice on how to ride better. They are stubborn in there ways that they don't think they need to get tips on riding or learn the basics on dressage. But the simple fact may be, Dressage is the most effective way of teaching your horse anything. No, of coarse not the easiest! *LOL  thetas a laugh! But gosh what better than to be able to feel your horse underneath you and to be able to ride "WITH" your horse and to use  only the lightest aids when riding. What better than to know your horse and you should be like a mirror image, with hopefully all the same goals of eventually riding as "One".


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