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Re: Slant load trailers
Heidi wrote " One of my BIG list items for
"when I buy a new trailer" is one that DOES NOT have that tack contraption
the rear!!! Give me the big door ANY day"
Your right on that Heidi ! My trailer has a rear tack which I love because
it is so handy at home and at ride's. But It does create a bottleneck at
the door , and could very well put you in a dangerous situation with a
young inexperienced horse . Otherwise I belive that my horses haul much
better in the slant compared to a straight load . We haul big trailer loads
of loose horse's to trail heads for pack trips during the summer months and
we've never seen a horse stand as if being hauled in a straight load if
they have a choice .
Drin Becker
Mtn, Region
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