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Re: [AERC_CT_Region] Montell?

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 2:45 PM
Subject: [AERC_CT_Region] Montell?

> From:
> Being a newbie, can someone tell me where the Montell ride was/is and
> what made it so difficult?
> thanks,
> sherry davis


The skinny on Montell..... by Darolyn Butler

Ok ... listen up -- here's my take on the ride.
I rode the 50 on Friday.  The course was Blue/Yellow/Green (for those of U
who were there).  Blue is relatively a fast loop since it is almost all
road,  nothing to slow U down except for the asphalt roads (only for a few
moments)....  so, that 22 miles is usually done in 1.5 hrs or so... nothing
particularly challenging there.  Then one contrasts it with a much more
difficult yellow, and a similar green (sabatoged trail slowed that one
down).... & ur mph drops considerably.   I didn't particularly like the way
the finish was set up on the green, not enough warning or distance to race
in, but that's beside the point.

Now to day II..... start was the same for 50 milers.... screamed thru the
first 22  a little slower since it was hotter that A.M.  Then started the
yellow.  this was the 25er's first loop/50 second one.  The yellow trail had
one short section in it that is always part of the ride, its just N of the
camp.  Its tough & one needs to go slow, but its not dangerous, (unless U
insist on goin' fast over the slab rock).  There's still enough road and
good footing, (albeit some pretty serious climb), to make good time on.  One
does have to take advantage of the good places though to make up time for
the slower ones.  That's where novice riders sometimes badly miscalculate.
They don't pick up where they can.   We hear pacing, pacing, pacing all the
time & thats fine if U've decided to go at 6 miles per hour during the whole
race, but when U have a 45 min. hold & must slow to 2 or 3 mph on certain
parts of the course, then U need to pick up to keep ur average up over the

Then the ORANGE trail, (25ers 2nd loop-50 milers last)  the first approx. 6
miles was the tougher part of the yellow... ok... so we had to go pretty
slow in some of those sections.  I did it in about 30 minutes... thats about
12 mph.... most 25ers probably took an hour plus....   then the 2nd half...
it was the doozy....  about 2 miles of it was a newly cut in trail on a very
steep incline.  Many people got off & led up, (I for one), some, of course,
rode up... either way.... it WAS SLOW!  The snag was, it WAS new & pretty
rough, not to mention steep, after a couple of years of riding it won't be a
bad trail... just awfully rough right now.    I'm guessing ride management
had never ridden the whole loop put together to see just how long it would
actually take.  Most peoples mph probably went down to 1-2.5 mph.  Even the
downhill was slow as it was still rough and lots of slab rock to watch for.
There was just a little road after that, but then a series of good hills
again... then a smidge of road.  There was also some sabatoge right at 6
miles or so  too... that didn't help anyone very much.  So... everyone that
wasn't going 10-12 mph on the good parts had no way of making the cut off
time on it.  The 50's with their 12 hours & (experience) actually had an
easier go at it (making cutoff time), than the 25ers.

Barbara Sondock is a very good and conciencious ride manager.  She does have
others marking & creating trail for her, as most managers do.  I believe
there was an error in this particular loop (not in mileage), but as far as
making it just too tough for the unexpecting.  It was not a malicious or
even recognized situation until it developed late in the day.  Unfortunately
it was on the day that most were going for their triple crown placing and
her biggest day also.  Many were riding slow and deliberatly to ensure a
finish.... not knowing that speed would be a needed factor.  Also, there was
a small group of riders that missed a section of trail early on...
management was not aware of this until late on Sunday.... long after awards
& placements had been handed out on Saturday.  In appearance to her (on
Sat.), there was enough riders that had made it in time that she felt like
all could have.  I don't know if these riders realized they probably cut off
20-30 minutes of trail or not.... hopefully not... but it did change the
overall complexion of things a bunch.

I believe Barb is reconciling some of the finishes... and yes, there is a
nice "loop hole" in our AERC handbook that covers situations just like
this.... i.e.  high water, extremely hot weather, harder/longer than thought
trail, etc. So please... don't be too critical of the ride.  It is the most
beautiful and, of course, challenging in Texas.  The Sunday trail was a
gas... in fact, I took a nine year old, boy-child through to a 3rd place
finish in the 25 miler with a riding time of 2:45.  He had only been riding
a few weeks, was on a horse that was doing its 3rd 25 miler and they had a
great time.

Just think... you go on down & do Montell & U'll be ready for the Tevis.
see ya on trail
darolyn butler-dial

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