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Horse Training HELP!

I need some advice from the experienced riders out there, preferrably with 
dressage & endurance experience........
I bought my first young horse 2 yrs ago, trained her myself with the help of 
John Lyons video tapes .  All went well for first 15 months, until she 
approached 4  1/2 yrs old.  I started taking dressage lessons with her and 
asking for light contact.  Within 3 months of lessons, I have gotten 
"bronc'd" off twice.  Once on the trail after crossing water on a loose rein, 
 and once in the arena practicing 20 meter circles at the trot.  Thinking I 
might need her and me in full dressage training, I changed instructors.  My 
mare has been in full training for 4 months now.  The trainer says that it 
will be another 6 months before she is ready to take out on the trail, that 
she is very insecure and I am too novice to handle her on the trail.  It is 
costing $800 per month to train her and me.  At this rate, I will have a 
$10,000.  5 yr old trail arabian!  I have been riding horses for 5 years, 5 
days a week, taking dressage lessons constantly.  I am competent, but not 
highly experienced.  MY QUESTION:  Does this sound normal, or is my pocket 
book the one getting trained?
P.S.  The instructor loves to tell me how uncapable I am and how everytime I 
ride her, she (the trainer) has to spend 2 days fixing her.  I have lost all 
confidence in myself and my decisions.  HELP.

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