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Fw: center-fire cinching question

----- Original Message -----
From: John M. Sewell <>
> Hi List. Anybody out there use a center-fire cinching set-up on your
> I use a model 800 endurance saddle by American Saddlery in Chattenooga. It
> has the center-fire set up that has rear D rings that point forward and
> down at an angle of about 35-40 degrees. The rear D rings are situated
> beneath the cantle on each side of the saddle. The saddle was designed to
> have a rear strap from that rear D ring to the girth buckle for added
> stability on each side. Old cavalry design, they said.
> Trouble is, I can't find a girth designed for this set up. American
> make one. The closest I've seen was a biothane item in Sportack, but it
> didn't have enough of an angle on the rear-pointing buckle to match the
> angle on my rear D ring. It'd rip'n split in one ride. Ditto dressage type
> girths. I've heard some clinic instructors like Donna Snyder-Smith call it
> a "Y rig", but they must be awfully rare.
> Has anyone seen the kind of girth I'm describing anywhere other than
> I'd like to buy one before I sit down and try to make one

(please copy replies to John at

Becky Huffman
Huffman's Arabians ~ The Original Series ~

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