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Re: RC: cruppers

Actually we've found "loose" cruppers to be a problem when starting out, 
especially longing. The back of the saddle would bounce, causing
the crupper to "slap" the horse under the tail. It needs to be tight enough 
to be in contact at all times. This also reduces the "surprise" factor on 
steep hills. Like Angie, we've had little problem getting horses used to it.
Nancy Mitts

> ><< Any suggestions in getting a horse used to a crupper?  Pam
> >  >>>Longe him first with the crupper on, start with it loose the first
>coupleof>rides, and then say a prayer when you do your first steep
>I was so worried about my horse's reaction to a crupper that I paid thru
>the nose and got the Ortho-Flex brand because it looked the most
>comfortable.  Well, I've got to say that I was a lot more worried about
>it than any of our horses have been. I've put the "first crupper" on at
>least 10 horses and have yet to have one even care.  Kaboot almost had a
>heart attack the first time I put a curb bit on him (it was also the
>last) but he never blinked at the crupper.
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