NEW DEADLINE FOR ESSAY SUBMISSION:  Please send essays by email or snail mail by December 15th.   Addresses are below.


The scholarship committee now has up to $3,000 to disperse as scholarship money to students attending any post- high school educational institution. PNER members who are active participants in the organization may apply for scholarship funds.


*To qualify:* Write an essay on an historical topic important to PNER. You may choose to write a history of a particular trail, a specific ride, a pioneering ride manager, or some other historical topic. If you want to be sure a topic is appropriate, or have any questions about writing the essay, please contact Aarene Storms at the email or address listed below.

Judging will take place during the month of December, 2009.


Criteria for judging as follows:

* On-topic, organization and accuracy      30%

* Of interest to PNER members               25%

* Grammar, spelling, citation of sources   15%

* Writing quality & style                          15%

* PNER involvement & accomplishments  15%*


Please send your essay, with a brief statement about your involvement with PNER (ride history, volunteerism, office(s) held in the organization, etc.) by December 15th to Aarene Storms:  

25118 Jim Creek Rd, Arlington WA 98223


SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE UPDATE: * I am pleased to announce that the PNER scholarship committee has two new members, and I welcome Gail Williams and Paul Latiolais to the committee!    If you are interested in contributing time

to this committee in 2010, please contact me, or PNER president Bev Ryan.