Endurance riders belong to equestrian organizations; 2/3 belong to the AERC; 25% belong to trail preservation groups; 51% belong to horse breed organizations. Increasingly, US riders are joining organizations that support international competitions such as US Equestrian Team and American Hors Shows Association.
Endurance Riders
Ages: 26-35 = 18%; 36-45 = 41%; 46-55 = 26%; 56-65 = 8%; under 18/over 65 = 3%
Male = 24%; Female = 76%
Income: less than $25K = 22%; $26-50K = 43%; $51-75K = 18%; $76-100K = 8%; over $100K = 8%
Education: some college = 28%; college graduate = 30%; graduate school = 24%
Geographic distribution: rural = 63%; cities = 3%; suburbs = 16%; small towns = 18%
Acreage: 1-5 acres = 39%; 9-10 = 16%; 11-50 = 20%; 50-100 = 6%; more than 100 = 9%