9am to 5pm Central Time
Monday - Friday
(unless we're out riding)
Genie Stewart-Spears, Inc
dba Horse Works
254 Spears Lane
Vienna, Illinois
Comparison of Traditional
One-Piece Saddle Tree to
the Sports Saddle Two-Piece Tree
Comparison of Traditional Rigid One-Piece Saddle Tree and
New Two-Piece Independent Sports Saddle Tree Parts:
With independent Sports Saddle tree parts, the front section works with the horse independent of the rear tree section thus reducing friction and heat build-up to a minimum. This also helps to automatically keep the rider in rhythm with the horse making it easier for the rider to stay in balance with the horse and more able to aid and cue the horse when showing or training. The rider is able to maintain close contact at all times making it easier for the horse to handle the rider's weight.
With a rigid tree, the horse's shoulder blades must work or slide several inches under the tree when in motion, especially extended trotting or loping circles, etc., causing friction and heat build-up, which leads to soreness and galling. The rider, sitting on top of the saddle tree, has no close contact with the horse.
Sports Saddle's two-piece tree lets horse flex and move freely. Rider keeps complete contact with horse. Rider sits on soft rubber pad directly on the horse. Center of gravity is much closer to the horse.
One-piece tree remains rigid, does not flex with the horse, bars dig into horse's shoulder on hard turns, and can also put excessive pressure on the horse's kidneys. Rider sits on a hard saddle tree 1" to 2" off the horse's back. Center of gravity is therefore higher.