Monday, October 19, 2009

Natural Hoof Care Clinic: Dr. Tomas G. Teskey, D.V.M.

Dr. Teskey presents his clinic in Cave Creek, AZ.

I had the unusual privilege last weekend of attending a clinic by Dr. Robert Teskey. As well as being a gifted and passionate speaker, Dr. Teskey is one of today’s leading authorities on the equine hoof and barefoot horses. I left the clinic with the impression that perpetuated shoeing of horse is not dissimilar to an addiction developed over time. We know it is not right, but we are afraid to break the habit. At Week 14 in my own transition experiment, and with a couple of significant accomplishments under my belt, I can assure you that a few boots in your tack room will allow you to make the switch.

I have transcribed my notes for the benefit of the reader but remember that I am not a trained professional, and in no way do I attempt to represent the views or opinions of EasyCare or its staff.

Corrective shoeing.

Natural hoof care goes hand in hand with natural horsemanship philosophies and techniques. Both respect the natural abilities and welfare of the horse. A sound horse is one that can comfortably walk, trot and canter with animation and impulsion on unfettered feet. Protection for hooves, as needed, should be achieved with hoof boots: they provide dynamic, complementary shapes hat allow the hoof to expand and contract with the movement of the horse. As passionate as Dr. Teskey is about barefoot, he underlines that hoof protection in the form of boots is a necessary tool for today’s working horse.

Read the full story here

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