Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow: Old Pueblo, March 3 & 4, 2007

The opportunities to ride this year seem to coincide perfectly with an obligation to attend an all day event on the first Friday of each month. This adds sizeable challenges to the logistical side of getting horse, rig and rider to ridecamp.
When I was going to Warner Springs, the ride and the horse were of the stature and reputation that it made sense to drive through the night in a borrowed car. This weekend, it was to be my young horse’s first experience at a ride at the beautiful Old Pueblo location, south and a little east of Tucson high in the mountains north of Sonoita, AZ. I seemed to find lots of reasons not to go, now that I had to get my own young horse there under my own steam late at night!
I hesitated about going to the ride all week. The horse is young, and I was only planning on the 25 – my first ever in 4,000 miles. I figured I could do the same distance at home for much less money and much less stress. But all those around me thought it would be a good experience for the little guy (the horse, not me) to go and ride.
I left downtown Phoenix at 4 PM, needing to drive the 42 miles to the northeastern tip of Scottsdale. I was still undecided about whether or not to hitch, load and drive. I called Clydea Hastie, who had left earlier in the day, to see how things were there. I thought perhaps she would sway me one way or the other. No answer on her cell. Then I called Barb Debi, who told me it was very windy. Mmmm. Doesn’t sound like it would be worth driving though the darkness to do a windy 25 on a young horse.
Clydea called me back just as I was arriving home, some two hours after I left the city. I decided I would go as soon as she called. Rusty had packed the bale bag; bought a flat of drinking water; filled the water in the trailer and put a bunch of jeans and t-shirts in the trailer for the ride. Why wouldn’t I go? We hitched the trailer, discovering that the main power switch in the trailer had been left in the “off” position. There was no power left in the batteries, so the drive down would have to suffice to recharge. John Teeter was skeptical that it would work. It turned out he was right.
I pulled into the dirt road near base camp high in the mountains above Sonoita at 10:15 PM. The temperature was a bone-chilling 22, and the panels were cold and hard to the touch. I unloaded Redford, whose eyes were a little buggy, and he settled in to his hay and water as if he knew exactly what to do. It was past midnight when I climbed into bed

Within four miles or so, we had become fairly close to a group of four ladies who were obviously riding with the same strategy as I was. As they would open gates, I would arrive 30 seconds after them and close them. With each gate, they got more and more grateful, urging me to stay right where I was – as the official gate closer – and I was happy to oblige! At one point I even thought I heard them say that they were all free, but that might have been the wind taking their words and altering them.
We got to within two miles of the lunch stop with 15 minutes left before our halfway timing point. We all trotted in together along the sandy wash, relaxed and enjoying the effect of a 2.5-hour 12-mile ride! I told them I’d love to ride a 100 miler with them, if they were already giddy after 12.5 miles. They confessed that they were officially known as the Kenlyn Over the Hill riders. It turned out that Linda Fisher was leading the group of four – all of them on young horses.

We humans ate home-made orange rum cake and I finished a bland roast beef sandwich I’d purchased at the gas station on Friday evening and polished off a Starbucks Double Shot Espresso & Cream. Yum!

When we made it to the last five miles along a hard-packed dirt road, we began to walk and pretty soon I was hand-walking him, certain that I knew exactly where I was on the trail. There were 15 minutes left on the clock and I was convinced I would be walking into camp around the next turn. As we turned, I saw camp – but it was on the horizon! I figured it was probably a mile and half, and I began to run with him in hand. That lasted about 45 seconds. I realized more speed was required, so I hopped on board and we trotted in to welcoming arms of the pulse takers and the judicious inspection by Sid Zargas. We had finished with six whole minutes left on the clock, and Red had a pulse of 40.
We won a painted pony coffee mug and the nicest stone turtle I have ever seen, complete with little clam shells as the tortoise shell. It has taken prime position in the entrance way at the house – the latest in an unexpected, unplanned and growing collection of turtle awards contributed by our winter riding visitors.
And Marilyn McCoy has pulled off her fourth ride this season alone. Heartfelt thanks to you, Marilyn, and to your merry crew of eager helpers. For all those of you who can get to southern Arizona within a day’s drive, make sure you put this one on your calendar: the views are not to be missed!
See you all at the Scottsdale McDowell Mountain endurance ride on April 7!
Kevin Myers

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