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Biltmore Challenge

The Biltmore Challenge is a classic ride which has been held since the early 80s. The ride is hosted on the beautiful Biltmore Estate in Ashville North Carolina. It provides a CEI***/** experience for international riders with open 100 and 50 mile distances for all comers. It is a spectacular experience!!

Tom Gower and JG Brandy

Name: Tom Gower
Weight Division: MW
Home: Madison, WI
How many hours away from Biltmore? When will you arrive? 16 hrs, Wed

Help us identify you: Biothane colors: purple,
protective boots: purple
Horse color: very light grey
markings: none, Describe what you wear,
(color of helmet: tricolor (black, dark grey & silver) L.A.S. helmet

Background info:
How many 100's have you done? 5
Total Mileage: 2500
Why do the 100? It is so challenging
Your background with horses.grew up on a horse farm in KY
Profession: forest ecology professor at UW-Madison

Horse's name: JG Bandy, barn name is Puppy, short for mudpuppy because he
always rolls in the mud

Owner: Cathy Gower (my daughter)
Age: 12
Breed: 1/2 Arab
Bloodlines: nothing special
Sex: Gelding
Height 15 h
Miles: 700
Years competing: 3

Will you be riding with a heart monitor? yes

Goal for the ride. Attempt to get C.O.C. (<>


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