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Biltmore Challenge

The Biltmore Challenge is a classic ride which has been held since the early 80s. The ride is hosted on the beautiful Biltmore Estate in Ashville North Carolina. It provides a CEI***/** experience for international riders with open 100 and 50 mile distances for all comers. It is a spectacular experience!!

Ruth Sturley and RBF Super Sport

Name: Ruth Sturley
Horse: RBF Super Sport
14 years old
Polish Arabian

The Biltmore was the first 100 mile competition I did back in 1999. Since then it has always been on the top of my list of favorite competitions.

The horse I will be competing on is RBF Super Sport purchased from Teddy Lancaster when he was 8 years old. He is a 14 year old Polish Arabian. This is the same horse I rode for the Canadian Team at the World Equestrian Games August 2006. He is a tough competitor and loves to run. He knows his job and does it well. Sport has a long list of 100 mile competitions to his credit as well as many 50 milers. We spend the winters in North Carolina and travel back to Canada to continue our training and compete in Ontario. Sport has been on the Canadian Team since 2003. We hope to use the Biltmore as a conditioning ride to prepare for "The Spirit of Excellence" 100 FEI/CEI *** being held on Ontario Canada mid July of this year.


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