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Biltmore Challenge

The Biltmore Challenge is a classic ride which has been held since the early 80s. The ride is hosted on the beautiful Biltmore Estate in Ashville North Carolina. It provides a CEI***/** experience for international riders with open 100 and 50 mile distances for all comers. It is a spectacular experience!!

Kara Disbrow and Veinte Corona (Gooby)

Name: Kara Disbrow
Weight Division: LW
Home: Knoxville, TN

Background info:
How many 100's have you done? Started 2; finished one; got 82 miles at JDs last November.
Total Mileage: 3,000
Your background with horses:
My first horse was a TWH, got him when I was in 7th grade, or thereabouts. Best horse in the whole world! He just passed away last May at the age of 35. Before you start trying to figure out how old I am, let me share that Otis Schmitt was my first horse vet ;-) Remember that first visit like it was yesterday - Otis was tube worming him, and when he pulled the tube out, he nicked a capillary and blood gushed out and I freaked! That is a day I will never forget! I thought Otis had killed my beloved horse!
Then later in life, I got an ASB mare that tried her best to kill me. Sweetie on the ground, a devil under saddle. Best thing she ever did was give me some sweet babies - Bit of Bliss and Jamila Khalil. She is now 28 years old and really arthritic :-(
Started trail riding with Bliss, then got into NATRC. Got about 700 slow painful miles there before realizing that endurance was a much more positive experience! And here we are...

Profession: Rad/Haz waste management - true excitement

Horse's name: Veinte Corona (Gooby)
Owner: ME. Good thing I did not listen to that McGhee woman when she she told me in Memphis - Kara, Life is just too short!
Age: 8/11/97
Breed: unregistered Anglo Arabian
Bloodlines: Just know that his mom is a pretty good TB polo pony.
Sex: Gelding
Height: 15.3
Weight: 1,000 lb. thereabouts

Type shoes: pads? clips? How old will the shoes be on the ride day?
No pads, use eventer shoes with clips. Farrier is coming on 4/26, so about 10 days or so
Shoe or easyboot size: 1-ish shoe size, 2 easyboot.
Miles: 1710
Years competing: this is his 4th

Type of saddle: sport saddle
Type Pad:skito dryback
Bridle/bit/hackamore? S-shape hack
Crupper or breastcollar? yes yes
Type girth: felt
Will you be riding with a heart monitor? no

Background info: What is this horse like? Too competitive...takes care ofhimself, etc. Sometimes, all the above. Very exci table!! Check out this site:
http://anglo-arabians.com/AA_endurnews.htmThis lady emailed me to put him on her anglo website. I thought that sounded cool, especially since we have no papers. I told her about him, blabbing on as I do, and she just copied the whole excessive email to the site :-0

(Angie's note: go to the site, it is worth the read!)

Goal for the ride. Possible top 10? First completion? Really just aiming to complete.
The high pull rate for the Biltmore 100 has me quite humbled. I have heard the first horses into the first vet check have the highest pull rate of all! Well, I am gonna have a fight on my hands, cause the Goob really likes to be in the front! But those are odds I really do not want to be up against! Open to suggestions for a strategy!

Possible time frame? Before sunrise ;-)

Have you completed this course before? Biltmore was Gooby's first 50 in May 2004 and we have completed 3 more 50s there. Goob seems to really like the place - of those last 3, he has a 1st, 2nd and a 4th, and one BC.

If you want, explain your electrolyting proceedure...brand, frequency. Usually a dose before bedtime on Friday, one with breakfast. Use Perform N win for those. Once I get on the trail, use Lyte Now cause it is easy, and cant count on Goob eating his food, so easier to squirt it. Usually use the standard one dose per hour or every 10 miles. Nothing too exotic.

What do you feed? Purina Ultium
What will you be feeding at the vet check? Purina Ultium up until the first vetcheck, then he wont eat it. Then I switch to Omalene 100, with options of beet pulp, alfalfa, apples carrots, honey buns, peppermint sticks (he loves junk food) - pretty much anything he will eat.

We wear a lot of purple. I know Goob likes it, and so do I! We are also partial to tye dye.


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