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Biltmore Challenge

The Biltmore Challenge is a classic ride which has been held since the early 80s. The ride is hosted on the beautiful Biltmore Estate in Ashville North Carolina. It provides a CEI***/** experience for international riders with open 100 and 50 mile distances for all comers. It is a spectacular experience!!

Carter Wiecking on Pandor

Carter Wiecking managed to get through the first 37 years of her life in complete ignorance of the endurance riding world. She is grateful to the Kanavy family for undertaking to correct that unfortunate condition, and is now delightedly looking forward to riding in the Biltmore Challenge, her first 100-mile race. She is excited to be riding Pandor, an 8-year-old chestnut Arab bred by the Kanavy’s and owned by their good friend Kim Orr. Pandor is a wonderful gelding with a lot of heart, and Ms. Orr and the Kanavy’s have been working hard to develop his talents. We are all on the edge of our seats waiting to see how he performs at Biltmore.


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