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Just an funny idea:
Sense my husband thinks that horses are an obsession and I'm addicted to them and riding I think he needs a support group. Maybe your husband could use one to they could call it Husbands of Horse Obsessed Wives! HHOW for short!! They could get together and try to understand us. The head of the group should be someone who has learned to live with his horse obsessed wife with out nagging her and understands why she is more excited about the new rubber pads in the trailer then the new living room carpet!  How a big shopping trip is to get a new saddle pad and not a new dress!  Why all the kids birthdays are in the spring of the same year as the foals her mare had. Why you spend as much time talking about horses as your children and you are just as proud of them. Why the step stool with the tool compartment he bought you to keep in the house ended up out in the barn as a mounting block(I'm short works great). Why he can't eat the horse cookies (they looked like oatmeal cookies). Not to get upset when the house isn't clean because it was to nice a day to clean house and you just had to go riding!
And help him understand that we love them just as much as the horses and the kids its just that its an obsession!!!
I tell him, I haven't tryed to wash my bits in the dishwasher (not yet any ways). But I do wash halters,cinches ect in the washer. I wash old jeans next!

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