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Re: RideCamp: Anglo-Arabs and Pit bulls
>Was wondering what opinions you have on Anglo-arabs for endurance<
Hi Shannon: I have an Anglo-Arab and love her! She is a nice size (for
me), 16.1, very correct legs, good bone, short-backed, looks TB. I ride in
the mountains and she has been extremely sure-footed and does a great job of
taking care of us. She has a very fast walk, a huge trot and a big, rolling
canter. I haven't had her in 50's, yet. She will be 7 this summer and I
think this year I will be able to get to some rides. I have had her almost
3 years and have brought her along very slowly. Her metabolics have
improved every year. She has a lot of "git-go" and I have done a ton of
work on her to make sure I have a well-trained controllable horse. I bought
her already green-broke and I don't like the work that was done with her -
it hyped her - so I have had to undo some of that. Her personality has
become very sweet and kind. I think an Anglo is like any other horse - it
just depends on the horse and what you want. I want a good, safe,
well-trained horse because I ride some rugged trails. If you like Scarlet,
then love her and enjoy her.
Jan Mutchler
Littleton, CO
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