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Re: No Appetite

Laura Nielsen wrote:
> Shannon,
> I think we're in-laws!  These two horses, Tez and Yaled, are most
> certainly related.  You have described my horse perfectly.  His grain
> intake most definitely seems to be related to his degree of muscle
> soreness.  Unfortunately, his idea of the ride is to catch the horse
> ahead of him, whether he can see said horse or not.  Yes, the adrenaline
> rush sounds, oh, so familiar.  And, again, yes, he does much better
> alone, although he still thinks his mission is to catch whoever is
> ahead.  I'll try the probiotics again, but didn't notice any improvement
> with them in the past.  Perhaps just additional years and careful
> management will bring this goofball around. I've made it a point lately
> to try to entice him to eat during training rides.  The best he has
> managed on the trail is an occasional bite of clover.  Speed has been
> slow and we usually train alone.  He is one intense puppy when there is
> a rider up.
> Thanks again for the encouragement,
> Laura & Tez
My horse must be related to yours also! I have the same problems. He
even paces the night before a ride. Go figure! Julie

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