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Re: Pacing Rocky MT.

MargePiwowarski wrote:
> Karen,
> Your mare paces, she *will* gait.  She even qualifies as a "naturally"
> gaited horse, she just needs some mileage and fine tuning from her rider.
> Be sure her saddle is placed 4-6 inches farther BACK than where you (and
> me, and everybody else) were taught to put a saddle.  Be sure you are
> riding with a bit that allows the horse to establish solid contact without
> discomfort in the mouth...

<Lots of good advice deleted.>

An old saddlebred trainer trick is to ask for the broken lateral gait
while the horse is traveling *downhill*.  The horse is going to tend
to strike with the hind foot first anyway, so why not take advantage
of it?

Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA

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