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Re: Please help save our horses!!!!
Kelli, as a young man I worked in a slaughter house that was owned by my
grandfather. We did cows, pigs, chickens, sometimes turkeys. The chickens
and turkeys meet the same end as the cows. Never saw a horse come through,
but if someone one wanted I'm sure grandpa would have carved it into steak
for them. When a horse goes to slaughter that does not mean they wind up
as steak in europe. As I understand it , most of the horses wind up as dog
food. Maybe that why my Lab Rawhide looks so good. Anyway, the system
takes care of our unwanted horses. Its just a fact of life, that seems to
work well. Jerry Fruth
Hickory Ridge Arabians web page:
On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Kelli Norcross wrote...
>Calling attention to all breeders, owners and lovers of horses. What do
>we do to keep our friends out of the slaughter houses and off dinner
>plates? How do we protect them?
>According to the USDA, over 358,000 horses and ponies were slaughtered
>and processed in this country and exported to Europe for human
>consumption in 1989. Additional 77,203 horses were exported live to
>Canadian slaughterhouses. Each one of the animals killed every year is
>an individual, sentient being, fully capable of feeling the boredom,
>stress pain, thirst, fear and panic imposed on him or her. The meat
>industry considers the animal a profit making item, whose death is
>merely part of the production process.
>"If slaughter houses had glass walls, everyone in the world would be a
>vegetarian" ~Linda McCartney
>"The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the
>way it's animals are treated" -- Mahatma Gandhi
>"If mankind and the world as a whole are to have a future, it will be
>necessary that we reduce the selfish tendencies in our ethics in favor
>of a higher regard for the community and for the whole of creation" --
>Ernst Mayr (Biologist)
>"Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of
>character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to
>animals cannot be a good man" -- Arthur Schopenhauer (Philosopher)
>URGENT CALL FOR HELP: To show that we make a difference and to be
>heard, completely eliminate BEEF out of our diets for a month to give
>the industry a kick in the butt! They have used horses to supplement
>their income, now let's let them know it is unacceptable. I am not
>asking you to become a vegetarian or to stop eating all meats for a
>month, just BEEF. Why? Because it is important that it be obvious to
>the same people that are causing the inhumane treatment of our horses
>that we are targeting them. It is the only way to be heard. Keep
>eating everything else you normally would; chicken, fish, etc... but let
>them know we have the power to influence the meat industry. Boycott
>BEEF for one month. When they ask why the demand for BEEF has dropped,
>we can tell them why. It worked when they boycotted tuna to save the
>dolphins. So my friend, will you help to save the horses? Mark your
>calendars, for the month of March, eat chicken and seafood!!!!!
>Please help by forwarding this message to as many people as you can.
>Thank you!!! Your fellow horseman.
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