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Re: full recovery at vet checks?

In a message dated 2/20/99 2:24:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, Farafix@AOL.COM

<< Seem to partake of some of everything by
 the time we have to go.  Since they devour grain at the pit stop, it appears
 to me they are getting some carbos. If the horse eats the grain well, will
 that serve to "carbo load/replenish" it?  They also drink well, get their
 electrolytes (doesn't seem to deter them at all from eating). 

Yes, you're arming them properly for another two hours of work.

 >I started using
 probiotics last yr on the rides, not sure if it helped or not, as it was more
 a precaution than a fix to any problem.>

It's hard to see an immediate effect from probiotics unless you have a horse
that is off feed and has loose bowels. Live yogurt will work, too.

> They eat well during the night before the ride; I give them several small
 grain meals during the night (sounds like I carbo load???).>

A little. Takes about 4 days of 1/3 extra grain to load. So far, most
endurance folk have reported back that this procedure produces a horse that is
"too hot" and hard to control at the start of the event. However, your night
before feedings should not have that effect. You're just topping the tank.

 >At some of the summer, mountainous rides, we slow down for the
 midday/afternoon legs & take over 2 hours (maybe 3 hrs).  If I pack some
 to feed along the way on these longer legs, will that work to keep them carbo
 Comments from the nutritionally knowledgable??? >>

If you have the time, and they'll eat, then grain is fine. Figure 1 pound will
give you a solid hour of energy boost. If you're pressed for time, and the
horse doesn't want to eat, then you can paste a carbo-loader like CarboCharge.
2-4 ounces every 2 hours is what's been working. Again, I wish Kat and Roger
would refine these perceptions--both have more practical knowledge than I.


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