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Re: Horse too fast!!

In a message dated 2/17/99 8:32:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Quentin, for some excellent articles online based on real research on
 performance horses, check the library archives available at Kentucky Equine
 Research.  I don't have their url, but just try .  It's easy to
 read, all based on scientifically proven data AND experience.  They talk the
 talk AND they walk the walk.
 Good luck,
 Susan G

They've also performed som interesting chromium experiments. However, that's
one semi-research outfit. What counts there is how many folks are happy with
the products they sell. When I was in Florida I met with two trainers who had
tried their products--one was very happy, one was decidedly not.

Are you ready to walk the walk with a glycogen loader, Susan? Or would you
prefer to rest on your opinions?


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