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Re: Circling
Dawna Bynum-Boyd wrote:
> Gently I ask him to move forward, our desired speed...walk.
> Then he anticipates the
> circling, and half way around as we are beginning to turn toward the road he
> picks up speed. So it's half circle, whoosh, half circle, whoosh, he's
> determined to go faster even if it is in half circle increments. Silly guy.
Actually, I almost never recommend circling for speeding horses for this
very reason. Arabs are way too smart for that trick.
I find it's better to only hold the horse back as long as he can stand
to wait, quietly. Like 5 seconds. Then quick catch up at a speed he's
happy with until he settles back in with the other horses. I'd do this
about a kajillion times before I gradually EITHER extend the time he
waits, OR slow the catch-up speed until the desired result is achieved.
This way he learns to wait for you, but not to the point of discomfort.
- Abby B
- References:
- Circling
- From: "Dawna Bynum-Boyd" <dawnab@pdx.wantweb.net>
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