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Re: good "trail dogs"
In a message dated 2/13/99 11:26:29 AM Pacific Standard Time,
BMcCrary27@aol.com writes:
<< I once thought perhaps a Jack
Russell terrier would be nice, but the first one that set foot on our
promptly jumped into my begonia bed and started digging for gophers. That
the end of that idea. >>
Yup, being the proud (yet stupid) owner of a Jack Russel Terrier I would have
to agree with you, they are diggers extraordinaire! I love mine, but as far
as recommending him as a "trail dog" I would say "don't go there!". He only
comes when called if he realllllly feels like it. Other than that, he does
whatever the heck he wants. Which just happens to suit me fine most of the
time (luckily) . If you want fun, laughter, lots of love, energy, and
incredible bravery in a small package, I'd say go with a Jack Russell. If you
want something compliant and placid, don't even think about a JRT! Mine does
go on the trail with me and he is pure joy to watch. However, when on the
'scent' of something you CANNOT call him off. He frequently just meets me at
home. Unfortunately his best buddy is a beagle and they have the same
disfunction. It's a good thing they're so loveable!
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