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Re: Multi-State Health Certificates??

To All:

Having worked hard to get this co-operative agreement passed in Idaho,
please let me offer a bit of advice.

First the 30 day health certificate was designed to offer "some
preventative" to the spread of certain diseases.  It has been pointed out
that this was not really effective as the early stages of these diseases
would not show up in the examination.

We then looked at the current methodology where the examination was done,
the horse declared healthy (at that moment) and the owner had an obligation
to fill out the certificate at the end of six months.  The returned portion
of the certificate would show where and when the horse was transported. Not
just the state but the particular locations visited. In that way there was a
record where in a disease could be traced. Perhaps the origin located and
also where it may have been spread.

This is the theory behind the system and it is a good one BUT ONLY IF OWNERS
COMPLY. Well the act of complying has not been very good todate. Of course
some parties that get the certificate do not travel so they do not return
the necessary paper. Some just conveniently "forget" or can't be bothered
and some just will not comply with the law because it is the law.

No matter what the reason or why, this has cautioned other states to tend to
shy away since the State vets see it as a way of losing control over
contagious disease.

That is some background and while the six month co-operative health
certificate is good in principal it has it's failures to contend with to

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: Multi-State Health Certificates??

>In a message dated 2/10/99 9:05:36 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
><< I wonder what it would take to get this agreement between CA, NV, OR and
> AZ???
> I don't mind a little driving <heh!heh!heh!> to get to a ride, but
> having to get monthly health certificates or risk getting caught is a
> bummer....
> Has anyone looked into it, or have any good ideas where we'd start?
>  >>
>Linda, how about getting in touch with the CA Dept. of Food & Agriculture,
>Animal Health Branch, at 916-654-1447 and asking to talk to the person in
>charge.  I think his name is Dr. Timothy Berry, if I remember correctly.
>ask if such an agreement can be made between the four adjacent states.
>like a good idea.

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