Re:Boz saddle
I bought a Boz years ago. It was great for about the first 6 months,
causing no problems, comfortable to ride in and great for my horse. But as
the miles accumulated the medal swivels that secure the stirrup leathers
(they are what gives you the free easy swing of your legs) wear through the
" tree" and cause pressure points on the withers. The Boz management will
do nothing to relieve this problem and two other saddle makers were unable
to help. The saddle had to be trashed. In my opinion it is a design flaw
due to a steel devise rubbing against a much soften material over a period
of time.- Pat Oliva--Original Message-----
From: GESAHORSFX@aol.com <GESAHORSFX@aol.com>
To: NazeerDrmr@aol.com <NazeerDrmr@aol.com>
Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Actually endurance related!
>Thanks Kathleen, I used an orthoflex patriot and sored her shoulders and
>produces white hairs in several places. I tried creative padding but the
>orth.flx. limits you in what you can do in that area. I have thought about
>Boz but am a little worried about the soft tree spreading over a period of
>time. Would like to know more about them from folks who use them. One of
>clients had one and it raised some hellacious bump across the loins of 2 of
>her horses. One was an arab and one a mft. thanks for the input ..gesa
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