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Cattle Ivermectin pour-on
!Hola! y'all: Got this tip from a vet friend a few years ago and have liked
the results. I've been deworming my horses with pour-on ivermectin (NOT the
new stuff called eprinomectin,) same dose as instructions say for cattle,
same site: well distributed down the backbone all the way to tail. I do it
when I can confine the beasties for six hours so they don't roll or
otherwise get wet and dilute the stuff. Not the day before a ride, either.
No fuss, and I've noticed the tail itchies I used to see a lot have never
returned. Plus it's about $4 per dose cheaper than paste for my 800 or so
pound horsies. I bungled one dose on my fairly thin skinned TWH, got most
of it on her withers instead of spreading it, and the hair thinned out for a
couple of months in teardrop shaped spots the size of a quarter. Grew back
just fine, though.
Curious if anyone else does it like this, and if anyone has had adverse
effects. I've been told it gets rid of external parasites like lice, too.
Come to think of it, I've seen dead ticks on the tail, but don't know if
that's the reason.
Spanish Mustang Sally in Floyd
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