Re: Paying for this Message
>So...I saw that this is about to go to a paid subscription basis. Are most
of you going to pay the bucks and keep using this? Or go elsewhere to find
your information/friends? Just curious...trying to decide if it's worth
paying for.
Consider what you want to gain from this list. I've been on several other
lists...and...if what you want is fairly complete information on equine
anatomy and physiology, conformation, lameness, and stress related
illnesses; the nitty gritty on metabolism, nutrition, sports conditioning,
and rehabilitation; the latest and greatest on tack, clothes, helmets,
trucks, trailers, camping products, and tips (and everything in between
that will make the most out of your long rides);....and the low down on
where to go, what to do, and how to do it in the sport of endurance riding
(which means we probably won't be discussing the intricacies of two-tempe
flying changes ;-))...you've come to the right place. There are other
lists that are more involved with general horsemanship information and
anecdotes, as well as lists for every other discipline out there. No list
is perfect (it functions a bit like a family...complete with squabbles one
day and the whole group rising together in unison the next day!) All of
the lists in my experience seem to function this way. So, whether or not
you feel it's worth $10 to YOU and your education, is determined by what
you want to know, where you want to go, and what you want to do with your
I think it's worth every bit of $10 a year! I spend a lot more than that
on books, videos, magazines, and clinics in a year...this is a great
bargain for the amount of information that's presented and the number of
experts willing to share their knowledge and opinions.
PS Yes...I already sent my check in. ;-)
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
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