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RE: Cross Canter and down hill problems

I'm sure there are lots of causes for cross-cantering. You'll definitely get
this if the horse has a sore stifle. You may get this if the horse has a
sore (arthritic) hock. The same goes for poor down hill walking where the
horse has had plenty of time and conditioning done and still creeps down
hill with itty bitty steps. 

Bonnie Snodgrass

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	horse Connect - Donna Paton []
> Sent:	Sunday, February 07, 1999 9:27 PM
> To:	Ridecamp
> Subject:	Cross Canter
> I had a problem with my horse cross cantering.  it was a stifle injury on
> that side where he wouldn't use that leg.  The injury was due to him being
> out in both hips and compensating with his flow through of the leg causing
> a
> muscle strain in the stifle.  Got his hips put in and rubbed with a
> anti-inflammatory and after two weeks good as new.
> Donna Paton

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