"Speak your mind, but ride a fast horse." =-)
For those of you who enjoy quotes, here's a few of my favorites:
"Some people think horses are dumb. Ability and intelligence are in all
horses, regardless of breed. Their so-called stupidity stems from our poor
communication. Training a horse is like drawing a picture. The better I
draw the picture, the better the communication. If I'm drawing a horse in
pencil, I've communicated something. If I add crayon to my drawing, you
can tell that the horse I've drawn is a Palomino. Does that mean that
you've gotten smarter? No. It means that I've become a better
communicator." (John Lyons)
"Be considerate of your horse. He is not a machine -- and even machines
run better with good driving."
"When you're young and you fall off a horse, you may break something. When
you're my age and you fall off, you splatter." (Roy Rogers)
"How do you catch a loose horse? Make a noise like a carrot." (British
cavalry joke)
"Riding: the art of keeping a horse between you and the ground."
"Horses are something to dream about. . . and to wish for: and to watch. .
. and to make friends with; nice to pat. . . and great to hug: and, oh,
what a joy to ride!" (Pinch)
And my all-time favorite: "Show me your horse and I will tell you who you
are." (English Proverb)
Whitney Bass
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