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RC: Endurance News -ads

Nancy wrote:
>>The main problem I can see with the "buyer's guide" idea is that it 
would shut out new advertisers until the next annual printing. And an 
established vendor offering a new (to them) product line (already
offered by others) wouldn't really qualify for a "new products" section,
or it
would get too big.>>

All good points, Nancy. Plus, one of the basic tenets of effective
advertising is _frequency_ of message -- 12 times per year is more
effective than 6X, and 6X is more effective than 1x, and so forth. Good
positioning within the book is an advantage, and having 12 shots to negotiate
"right-hand page, far forward", is better than going for broke in one
issue, where your message is likely to be "buried" in the back of the
book. When I want to find the 800 number for Running Bear or Easy Care
or any other vendor, I reach for the nearest EN. A Buyer's Guide might get
shuffled to the bottom of the stack---at least in my office >g< !

>>>Actually a buyers guide may be a good idea as a stand-alone addition.

Trail Blazer did this for a time -- an annual called "Necessities."
Anyone know if it's still being done?

Bobbie in So. Calif.

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