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Re: RC: Re: water weight

In a message dated 12/21/99 3:32:41 PM Pacific Standard Time, CMKSAGEHIL 

<< Wanna see some fluid crossing membranes?  You can drain off several 
gallons per hour in a really nasty case...
 Heidi >>

On another subject--the high, sometimes extremely high, muscle enzymes seen 
in endurance horses. If a racehorse demonstrated CPKS in the 10,000 range and 
up after tying up, then there is a high likelihood that it would die of 
kidney failure a week down the line. Mike Foos tells me one of the horses 
shipped to Dubai had a 400,000 CPK on arrival--and went on to compete very 
competitively in the race. This would be impossible for a horse suffering 
from skeletal muscle damage to such an extend.

And this leads me to belive that the CPK and other enzymes are coming from 
somewhere else, and are not reflective of skeletal muscle catabolism. Two 
possible shources come to mind: The gut and the liver.

Has anybody seen any studies of the isoenzymes of CPK, AST and LDH being 
examined after an endurance ride? Isoenzymes should be able to point to the 
actual tissue from which the enzymes came. Once we understand that, then we 
can attack specific causes of the damage.


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