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Re: Mr. Ivers/mottos

I normally ignore Tom when he goes on these bents, but just wanted to say
that I agree with what is written below. For me, to finish will be to win,
because after an accident that broke both bones in my leg and smashed my
knee joint last year, Doctors said I would never ride again. Well, I was
back in the saddle at 6 1/2 months. It wans't elegant, or the best
equitation, but we're doing it, and getting back to where I'll compete
again. After something like this happnes to you, your priorties about life
change a lot. If they don't, you've really got a problem

I'd also like to say thanks to the people on this list who gave advice and
encouragement, and also rehab advice. It helped tremendously.
My Doctor is amazed.

Helga Loncosky
Archival Morgan Record
Beacon Morgan Horses, Ltd.
No heaven can heaven be, if my horse isn't there to welcome me.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, December 19, 1999 1:01 PM
Subject: RC: Mr. Ivers/mottos

Open message to Mr. Ivers
Re:  To Finish Is To Win
Motto:  a word, phrase, or sentence chosen as expressive of the
goals or ideals of a nation, group, etc; a maxim adopted as a
principle of behavior.

Dear Mr. Ivers:

Usually, I am a lurker on ride camp.  It has been my experience
that while the giving and receiving of information is a useful method
of exploring topics, when it comes down to beliefs, it is difficult to
change minds regardless of the amount of rhetoric thrown about.  I
also realize that from what I have been able to glean reading
messages on ride camp, you derive much pleasure from being a
"devil's advocate" and from "stirring the pot" so to speak.  Please
understand that this message is not a personal attack on you or
your lack of understanding of the sport of endurance riding.  I do
not know you, and even if we were friends, it would be improper of
me to do so.  However, when you pronounce "to finish is to win"
lame, and make derogatory remarks about that motto, I feel I need
to reply.  Whenever I am competing in a difficult ride, and I know
the front runners are hours ahead of me, I do not quit and go to the
trailer because I am not out in front.  That is not the goal I have set
for my participation in this sport.  The wonderful thing about
endurance riding is that every rider can have individual goals that
can and do span the entire spectrum of competition. Several years
ago, as I waited at the finish line of a difficult 50 for a dear friend to
get in, I was joined by every rider in attendance.  "Those riders had
requessted ride management hold the awards for the real "winner"
who took five and a half more hours to complete the ride than the
lst to finish horse/rider team.  This "loser" was ill with terminal
cancer, and this would be the last endurance ride she would
compete in.  I defy you to say that "to finish is to win" was a
"lame" motto for her.  I am positive there are other stories that also
reflect the appropriateness of AERC's current motto.  It is indeed
fortunate for me that my feelings of accomplishment for my
participation in endurance riding do not depend on your definition of
a winner, and neither did Jo Tate's.  Rah Rah for the lst to finish,
the sport needs the light from the glory of their accomplishments.
God Bless the finishers, they are the backbone of our sport.
Perhaps the area of carbo's rather than the area of mottos should
remain your area of expertise.  If the Motto of AERC needs to be
changed, leave that process to those that understand, respect, and
participate in the sport.


Karren Beason
Karren Beason

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