i'm called Mirco Mazzocchetti,i'm 37 yr old and
i'm an italian endurance rider from different years.I have subscribed trail
blazer and know that you are very famos.I have 2 arabian horses pure polish of
14 - 16 yr with wich i have made various competitions of 50 - 80 miles.In 1998 i
have done 2 competitions of 100 mile to a middle speed of 7 mile/hour.Little
low! In 1999 i have done only 2 competitions to may and june of 80 mile.I would
any counsels from you for better the metod of training and the speed to
competition.I lives in a hilly zone,where there are few lawlands for gallop,and
i could not hold a tall speed.Usually i train to alternate days doing around
12/13 miles in 2 hour.I have difficult to mantain cardia rhythm on the 110/120
pulsation to the minute.I from this year i have the possibility of use the
footstep of the racecourse of my city.It's long 0,6 mile and it's in land.I have
thought to make 4 miles of continuos trot- 5 minutes of walk - 4 miles of
continuos gallop - 5 minutes of walk - 4 miles of continuos trot,mantain the
cardiac rhythm on the 120 pulsations.Do you think that is ok or no?I would want
you to become a chart of weekly training considering that the first race is 31
march 2000 and it's long 80 miles.
I wait a your answer.Thank you very
C I A O Mirco.