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Trails & Greenways Convention-Virginia
I just received a preliminary agenda for the Governor's Conference on
Greenways and Trails to be held on May 2-4, 1999 in beautiful Roanoke, VA.
Registration is $89 in advance. Hotel $50 day for single, $60 for double
For more information email is VAGwayConf@aol.com or 804-798-0045
Web site is http://www.state.va.us/~dcr/temp/trailcnf.htm
Sally Aungier
Chair, Virginia Horse Council Trails Committee
Agenda includes
Sunday, May 2
Excursions choices to many different sites including a trail ride on the New
River Trail in the Blue Ridge Mountains. (extra $25)
Mon, May 3
Workshops run concurrently which makes it difficult to get to all of the
ones which may interest you. Topics include:
Planning & Managing Trails for Multi-Use
Economic Impacts of Trails
Trail Design, Construction & Maintenance - Techniques & Current Standards
Partnering for Private Funding
Legal Liability & Risk Management
Innovative Approaches to Maintenance
Option of Field Trips or Workshops in the Afternoon
Interpretive Trails planning & Design
Environmental Considerations for Greenway Planning
Growing a Sucessful Volunteer Program
Alternatives to Public Management
Government Funding Programs
Landowner Relationships
Tues, May 4
Governor Gilmore - Invited speaker
Keynote Address by Chuck Fink - Multi-Objective Greenways
Rest of the day is made up of mini-sessions
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