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My horse is now 18 I have had him since he was 12, in the last 2 years 
he has started going down hill at the walk much more slowly.  He will 
trot down fine.  This started after a hind end lameness, that was never 
diagnosed and that went away with rest about 2 years ago.  The horse is 
sound to trot straight line and circles.  I have tried chiro and 
accupuncture, last year before the ride season I gave him a shot of 
Legend.  He went downhill just like his old self for about 6 months.  I 
guess a little arthritis is settling in.  So this year I will do the 
same thing and see how long he goes before he gets short going downhill 
again.  I love riding this horse and he looks and feels sound.
I don't know how old your horse, or how many miles he have if the same 
thing would work.

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