re taking care of your animals
Just to add to Michelles informative post
In the event of death we have specified who is to handle and care for
the horses. We have also left funds to cover costs to do so.
This is a friend who I have discussed my wishes with and I trust to do
the best for my horses and dogs.
My family or my husbands would not have a clue what to do with the
horses or the dogs. They would be much more concerned with taking care
of other things.
They live out of province and would not have enough time here even if
they did have the knowledge.
Another thought I had reading Michelles advice is I am going to write a
letter to be put on file at my vets office on vet care, kind of like a
living will for my animals so that in the case of an emergency no one
has to guess what I want.
I was told the time to decide if you are willing to do colic surgery is
not when your horse is colicing it is now.
It is a very hard decision to make when the time comes to put your
animal down. Money unfortunately does come into it but most of all so
does quality of life.
I have had to make this decision more then once it is never easy and
every case is unique.
My vets have been very caring in helping make this decision and have
grieved over the loss. It is not easy for them to put down a long time
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