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Emergency Morgan Auction in Nebraska
...If some buyers don't get to the auction,
they will probably go to the killer
plant down the street. We are
desperately trying to get responsible buyers to go to the auction to rescue
some of the horses. Perhaps some of you mule breeders looking to breed
crosses could go....
I have a cousin who farms in Nebraska so I sent her the e mail and talked
to her on the phone. She called the auctioneer and this is the story.
The horses are being sold to settle an estate. The original owner died a
couple of years ago and the person who has them now wouldn't be selling
them if it weren't necessary to do so to settle the estate. These horses
are very well cared for - a couple of stallions, a couple of geldings, the
rest mares. All under the age of 7 and all broke to ride. There is a
pre-auction bid on one of the mares for $30,000. These horses are not
going to the killer plant and this is not a rescue situation. It is
believed the information went out over the Internet to attract more buyers
and thus increase the price.
And here I was ready to buy the whole lot :) Suzanne
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