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Fencing questions.
My parents and I are moving across the state (Michigan) to a house
that requires stalls and fencing. The stalls are no problem, but the
fencing is. We have five acres total, and would like to make two one acre
pastures for our two horses, so we can rotate pastures. BUT we just got an
estimate from a fencing company for over ten thousand dollars, using
a mesh, no-climb horse fence. We want something safe first and foremost,
but ten thousand is waaaay too much for us to pay. So I think we're going
to build the fence ourselves, and I was wondering if anyone has had a
similar experience. Are there any affordable (and affordable as in, you
are not trying to sell anything affordable--the fence company considers
themselves affordable, still haven't figured that one out) fencing products
that are safe? Any tips for self-installation? My parents don't want wood,
and I don't blame them, because we were always fixing our old fences every
weekend. Thanks.
Sarah (and Elliot, who hasn't figured this moving thing
out yet...)
The good news is that there is lots of state land nearby and
about forty miles of dirt roads behind our house. Now, if I
can just get my new neighbors to let me ride through their
field to get to them....
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