Re: adding beet pulp
Our horses get about 1 1/2 - 2 # (dry measure) at night and a couple get
it in the morning, too. However, your pint would not make a significant
difference pound for pound and if it were me, I would not decrease the
hay (you stated you were only feeding one flake). We have used beet
pulp to stretch our hay this winter but we coordinated the hay and beet
pulp by weighing both. For awhile we fed significant amounts of beet
pulp in conjunction with the hay (approximately 5# average each daily)
to achieve this. We have plenty of hay left so have decreased the beet
pulp and increased the hay. They currently get what I stated above
mixed in their daily grain ration (which, depending on the horse,
averages 1-2 # a day). Someone (Susan or Heidi or some ridecamper) told
me that you can't feed too much beet pulp. It is a forage, not a grain.
Combined with oil and probiotics, my horses look and feel great and beet
pulp will be a staple in my feeding program forever.
Good luck!
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