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Re: sarcoids
I went through HELL with Sackett and sarcoids last year from April 28 to into
October. I would do what I could when they were tiny as when they decide to
get big and become invasive they can cause a lot of damage. Paul's wife's
horse has been treated with Regression and the tumors are shrinking. Sackett
was treated with everything and then finally after nothing worked and people
started telling me about the ones that had to be put down we got very
aggressive. They burned (heat) the tumors and then I had to treat the burned
areas. Anyway to make a long story very short I have a whole sheet on what we
treated the spots with and the success. So far there is very little scaring
and the hair all came back the correct color and I didn't have to get my hands
in the very sore spots. I hope his immune system is up to par now. These
tumors are not to be sneezed at. Get them while they are small. Lovell
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