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really stuck Bogs
We had to sling him, just behind his
>elbows. Was very tricky, cause if you pull out at a wrong angle, you
>can disjoint limbs - since it's not water but mud, it's got LOTS of
In the old book "Log of the Cowboy", they learned on the cattle drive
that when a cow got bogged they had to dig up one leg at time and tie
them up to the cow's body. For a horse you would pull the front leg up
and wrap a belt from the fetlock up over the forearm. Once they'd tied
up all four legs, they were able to drag her right out. The writer
claimed that one cow really bawled and it took several ropes to drag her
out...turned out one of the tied up legs had come loose and gone back
into the mud creating suction, and they pulled the leg off...could be a
Texas tall tale, but I think he made his point.
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- References:
- Bogs
- From: Lif Strand <fasterhorses@gilanet.com>
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