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Straw construction
We live in a straw bale house (unfinished). Have some friends who built
a loafing shed and a straw bale barn the latter can hold several tons
of hay, and has a tack area plus 2 stalls. It is gorgeous, altho also
unfinished. Once you get the chickenwire over the bales, you can even
let your horses around it - they aren't much interested in straw vs real
food, and don't bother the bales. The "feel" of straw bale constructed
buildings is really nice, the R-value is extremely high, and once it is
plastered, you literally can't burn one down (I suppose you could burn
the roof, tho) , which for hay storage is a nice point. We have a sort
of online construction journal of the trials & tribulations while
building our place. Go to http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/1105/
Maybe the next time we're at our friend's place, I'll take some photos
of their cool barn. Lif
Lif & Paul Strand STRAND ENTERPRISES www.fasterhorses.com
Remember, we want to sell off our horses - SOON!
Quemado, NM USA
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